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Walleye W-3436b.jpg
Fishing At Its Best!

There are a total of seven lakes that are accessible by boat and over a hundred miles of wilderness, shoreline, and beautiful islands to explore.


We can provide you with depth maps of the lake for free, and can also point out the most recent hot spots.


Some of the smaller lakes allow for you to fish in any weather, and since you can fish so close to the camp, guides are not necessary. However, Rocky Shore Lodge does have some of the best fishing guides in the area. Our guides have many years of experience, and they will even cook your group a wonderful shore lunch.


Over the past few years, Perrault Lake has seen a phenomenal increase in the quality of walleye fishing, and northern pike have continued to be an easy find. For the bass fisherman, Perrault Lake offers some of the best smallmouth fishing north of the border. An MNR (Ministry of Natural Resources) biologist recently predicted, "...the next world record musky will be caught out of the Cedar/Perrault Lake system.” Perch and whitefish are also in abundance in this area.


As you can see, we have plenty of great fishing to keep you longing for more!

Duck Call!

Open season is September 15 through December 15. Daily Limit is 5, Possession Limit is 15. Non-resident small game license is now $106.81 Canadian.


Rocky Shore offers excellent fall duck hunting. There are many miles of wild rice down in the Ord River to attract ducks. Grouse, Ptarmigan and Spruce Hens are also found in abundance in this area. There are many logging roads and trails to hunt from.


Hunting dogs are allowed only during hunting season. Steel shot is a must!

Click for information about the Canadian Firearms Program

Into The Woods!

Fall Bear Hunt is August 15 through October 1.


Non-residents must have a Black Bear Hunting License Validation Certificate as well as a black bear hunting license. They must also complete the report that comes with the certificate and return it to the issuer of the certificate by the date indicated.


The black bear is one of the most sought after big game animals in our area and we have a very healthy population. The average bear runs 200 to 250 pounds, with 350 to 400 pound bears not uncommon. Most bears are black in color with a white crest on their chest, but there is about 10 percent color variation with cinnamon or blonde.


You may not take or kill more than one black bear under a license to hunt black bear. Once you have killed a bear, you must immediately attach the game seal to the carcass as described on the seal. The seal must be attached while transporting the carcass.


Hunters can use rifles, shotguns, muzzle loaders, bows or cross bows!




A rim-fire rifle, a shotgun smaller than 20 gauge when loaded with shot or any shotgun loaded with shot smaller than SG or number 1 buck cannot be used for hunting bear. You may not use any arrow (bow) or bolt (crossbow) that is not equipped with a head that has at least two sharp, un-serrated, barbless, steel, straight-cutting edges or a head that is less than .9″ at the widest point, or any arrow that is less than 24″ in length. There is no minimum length for a crossbow bolt. You may not use a crossbow less than 119 lb., nor a bow (including compound and recurve bows) that has a draw weight less than 49 lb. at the draw length of 28″ or less.


16 years is the minimum age to bring in a hunting rifle or shotgun and 200 rounds of ammunition.


Hunter Orange must cover a minimum of 400 square inches above the waist and must be visible from all sides. A hunting coat or vest generally meets this requirement. Orange head cover is also required. Camouflage or open mesh Hunter Orange does not satisfy the requirements.


  • All hunters must bring a valid hunting license from the state in which they reside

  • Export permit fee is $35.00 Canadian

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