Where has the time gone!!! Good morning RSL friends and family. Week 11 was but a dream 10 weeks ago, but how the days go and the weeks fly by at record speed up in God’s country. I still believe I have the best office view in the world, but I suppose some might argue that premise.
We had a lot of new guests this week on their first trip to Canada, and some who have hardly fished before. I can say emphatically thank goodness for summer fishing. The humps when found were bountiful as many know this time of year. The leaches were on fire, and nightcrawlers tasted good according to the pesky Walleye. Minnows were starting to work again on some of the humps. Lots of eaters this week and not as many large fish and that was a first this season. As usual shore lunches were easy to prepare, and no hot dogs were not eaten for shore lunch. Along with the numerous walleyes caught there were a bunch of beautiful small mouth brought in and eaten this week. Some guests had no idea how good smallies are out of this lake and Northwest Ontario in general but once tried they couldn’t believe it.
We’re looking for some needed rain as the lake has started to drop since its been a while since we have had any meaningful rain. Any farmers out there that know a certain dance or saying feel free to do it so we can get a little liquid sunshine! It hasn’t slowed the bite though.
Had a couple longtimers up throwing for Northern and Donnie caught a beautiful 40 something musky throwing a Meps spinner. His tape measure only went to 39 inches and that was were the tail started. Quite the fight and it looked as though he was straining to lift it for a picture. Nice job Donnie!
Trophy High Tuesday winners were Guthrie with a 24-inch Pike. Guthrie showed me the picture and something really big just smoked half the pike’s tail. Guthrie was hoping to land that one. There was blood dripping out of the tail of the Pike, so we figured it was either attacked during the retrieve or very shortly before that. Chuck caught a 23-inch Walleye to claim his prize. Obviously, competition was stiff and of course the final winners were caught after 430pm just in time to prepare their side dishes for the bbq. Still waiting on Guthrie’s Pike picture but when I do I will update the website and facebook pages.
Penthouse 2 crew (new family to RSL) caught lots of walleyes and then landed on several great perch holes. They figured somewhere between 200 and 300 nice perch were caught. Some were eaten but many were packed up for the ride home.
Bass fishing has been phenomenal this summer and this week was no exception. Smallies up to 19 inches were caught in droves.
Blueberries are plentiful this year and Steve has hosted several outings so far this season; so, if you are coming up in the next few weeks and are craving blueberries let us know I’m sure we will be making a few more trips to the blueberry patches.
As our summer starts to draw down and early autumn begins to arrive we will be spending a lot of time in the bush preparing for our bear hunters for what looks to be a great harvest this year. We also have several people looking at the moose hunt, but no one has pulled the proverbial trigger yet so if its on your bucket list we have dropped the price to 3500 (bull) and 2500 (cow).
To all our guests whether new or longtime habitants of RSL Darlene, Harvey, Bill, Steve, and I want to extend our appreciation and gratitude for spending your well-deserved vacations with us up here in God’s country. Steve and I are constantly asked whether it was as we expected. In one word “yes” absolutely. What I failed to recognize though was through spending time with you I would learn to regret pack-up Thursdays. Harvey told me I’d get used to it, but so far I haven’t. Its as if we start to get to know everyone and its time to leave. I will work on that. Fridays are re-invigorating though, and when our new guests arrive I get that feeling I had when we vacationed up here, and its off to the races again. Enough of that!
Navy term of the week: ID10T: A mythical substance that new Sailors are sent in search of as a joke. Pronounced as "I dee ten tee", "one delta ten tango" and it stands for "idiot". We’ve got to have a little fun with our new sailors don’t ya think, and besides it’s harmless.
Week 12 has started and the boats are out chasing the eyes, musky, and anything swimming in the lake.
If you have pictures just email them to fish@rockyshorelodge.com, or you can post them on our Friends of Rocky Shore Lodge page