Good evening RSL friends and family. Week 12 was a fun week with quite a few new families joining the Rocky Shore Lodge Family!
The walleye were being caught in 20 to 25 feet of water, especially off the humps and steep ledges as walleyes were looking for shade during the warmer afternoons. Night-crawlers mostly with a few minnows sprinkled in were the ticket. Hopeless point both big lake side and inside the turn were very effective and some of our new families found tons of 12 to 14 inch walleyes. Nellies rock was working, and Camp Island still gave up fish. That bodes well for the future. Tons of eaters were found. A big congratulations goes out to Lee who boated his first 30-inch Walleye off the sandbar! 14 years in the making and our former owners Mike and Chris were up and Chris helped to net that monster 30.5 inch beauty. Laurie (Lee’s wife) was happy and jealous at the same time and those were her words not mine. Roger (Reif’s) wife Pat also boated a very healthy fat 28 inch Walleye off the sandbar! Cabin 2 and Cabin 4 were seen each evening fishing off the beach house dock in their boats and catching walleyes. That was a sight to see.
A Big Musky was spotted by several guests near Hopeless chasing walleyes guests had caught! No one landed the breathing log but a lot of excitement was had.
Rain is still being requested up here as there is haze from the massive fires in British Columbia and Alberta that decided to grace us the last several days.
Trophy High Tuesday winners were Mark with a gorgeous 36-inch Pike! Reif was our first multiple week winner boating a 26-inch Walleye off Hump 3! Great job fellas! Marks photo is on the way hopefully.
Bass fishing is still hot and if you have a friend back home who loves to fish for smallmouth bass they are crazy not to come up here and enjoy this type of fishing. Besides they are delicious in the cool waters of Perrault Lake.
It appears Cedar Lake has turned over already, and Bill (our guide) is calling for an early autumn. Considering it almost reached 100 up here today, I’m thinking fall is a beautiful word! I admit I’m not a hot weather fan. I’m actually thinking air conditioning would be nice tonight, but its so seldom needed here we will survive.
We started baiting for bears last weekend and when we returned for our 3rd trip to the stands 14 of 17 baits were empty. We added some Raspberry Jelly donut filling and it smelled so good I almost tasted it. That’s when you know the bait is good for bears. They have quite the sweet tooth at times.
If you have pictures just email them to, or you can post them on our Friends of Rocky Shore Lodge page.
Navy term of the week: GOAT LOCKER – A term near and dear to my heart and my brother Dave. The goat locker is a lounge, sleeping area and galley on board a naval vessel which is reserved for the exclusive use of Chief Petty Officers. By tradition, all other personnel, including officers and even the Commanding Officer, must request permission to enter the "Goat Locker".
On we cruise into Week 13! What a ride this first year has been. Thank you to all our guests, who have made this summer very memorable for all of us here at RSL!