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week 17 wrap-up!

Writer's picture: Steve & MikeSteve & Mike

Good afternoon RSL family. Week 17 is in the rear-view mirror! Steve had a couple of his high school buddies up here this week and with that there was a lot of fishing, and reminiscing going on. If you felt a northerly warm wind down there in the states it was probably from all the hot air that was being exhaled from these three guys! 😊 In all actuality it was nice to see Roger, and Dan. Two more individuals Tyler and Matt from our hometown of Marshalltown came up so we had 6 anglers from Marshalltown in camp at one time and the Earth remained intact and on its axis. It really is a small world at times.

After Roger and Dan departed mother nature decided to exhale in the form of a windstorm that started at 852 A.M (Clock got blown off the wall) and within 10 minutes the lake sunk one of the AlumaCrafts. Crazy wind! We had tied off the flag dock, but the crib portion of the flag dock had a couple timbers snapped. Repaired that and one of the docks we use for private boats. Crazy day to say the least. Mother Nature definitely rules up here. Wind lasted only an hour, but it was something to see. I felt like I was out to sea.

We appreciate all the assistance with the rain we’ve been getting up here. Whoever down there is doing the rain dance please keep it up. We’ve had over 3 inches of rain in the past 10 days. We do need more.

The walleye bite was still ranging from 25 to 35 feet. The wall off of Little Manotak is still producing fish. Little Whale, and Whale Rock were still producing walleyes. The wall off of Hatfield near the rock called Wilson has been delivering good walleye numbers. Terry has been hitting Sucker island with success as he is here on his two-week vacation.

The Northern Pike bite is still great with lots of eater Pikes in the Mid 20’s. The weed bed between RSL and Manotak is still producing nice Northern Pikes. Other places people are fishing for Pike are Grassy Bay, and by Twin Islands.

Trophy High Tuesday winners were Tyler with a 20.25-inch Northern, and Roger with a 19.25-inch Walleye. Not a great day on the water with the wind so Congratulations!

Moose Season has started. We have our moose hunter in and hoping he comes back with a nice bull. Stay Tuned.

If you have videos of fish caught please send them to us through email or Facebook so we can load them on our YouTube page.

If you have pictures just email them to, or you can post them on our Friends of Rocky Shore Lodge page.

Navy term of the week: (The) Devil to Pay – Originally, the saying was "The devil to pay and no pitch hot." In the old wooden-hulled ships, ‘devil’ seams joined the external hull timbers with the deck planking; there are also references to a devil seam back aft, where the hull timbers join at the rudder post. Seams were caulked or sealed—paid—by jamming oakum fiber into the gaps, then smearing the seam with melted pitch or tar. If one of these seams worked open in rough weather, a great deal of water could be shipped before it was repaired. This term is probably the origin of the terms "hell to pay" and "between the devil and the deep blue sea."

Week 18 awaits! Busy camp this week but we’re off to a good start with our second shore lunch scheduled for tonight.

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