Good afternoon RSL Family!
The 105 is open! No more detour!
Week 5 flew by, and the catch rates were great again. Returning guests continue to comment on the size and quality of the walleye population. I’m sure having a few years with little pressure has helped, but I believe the fact we practice conservation and release the walleyes over 18 inches has really been the key to such a healthy population. Thank you!
The weather pattern up here has been unusual, and mostly inaccurate if you look at the predictions made by the meteorologists. We’ve had days that have called for wind, and had very little, and then we’ve had days that called for very little and you know the rest. Rain forecasting has been spotty as well. I would bring all your gear and be prepared for anything. Good news, the lake is still dropping and although its still high we can now see the rocks at the end of Manotak Reef showing above the water line.
Every morning Steve puts the moon phases down by the fish cleaning shack and believe it or not the bigger fish are being caught during the phases. We have been randomly asking when the fish was caught, and most of the time it was during a phase of the moon that would forecast good fishing during that timeframe. It’s a good idea to take a cursory look at the phases, and head to your favorite location of fish catching during the moon phases.
You don’t realize how great air conditioning is until you don’t have it. That aside our BBQ and Monster/Micro Fish Monday tournament went off without a hitch, and we had some nice fish caught, photo, and released. Kevin boated an 8-inch Smallmouth Bass to claim the Micro prize! Ryan scored a 2022 tournament ball camp by besting everyone else during the heat with a 24.75-inch Walleye! Benji won his tourney cap by boating a 30-inch Northern Pike. The BBQ was outstanding, and on behalf of all of us at RSL we appreciate strapping on the feed bag once a week. To all of our camp cooks, thank you kindly and keep up the good work.
Walleye fishing was phenomenal this week. Largest being 29-inches. Tons of mid 20s, lots of eaters. We had some new guests in camp, and they found out how incredible the beach house dock fishing can be. After the bbq, longtime guest Paul and his crew including some new guys like his brother Bob and their boys caught 32 walleyes with many in the 20’s by the time I closed shop around 9pm. Ryan, and Staci from cabin 3 celebrated their Anniversary catching walleye after walleye with their boat tied to the flag dock. With gas prices the way they are that was a wise decision. Ryan and Staci caught multiple 20 plus fish every night off the back of their boat tied to the flag dock this week. The new guests are believers in what we all know to be true. The magic of these docks in the early to late evenings into mid to late August is incredible.
Rick and Larry came to RSL for their first time (guests in other Canadian camps) to check out the bass fishing. They both are very experienced bass fisherman and do tourneys down in the states. Rick makes his own plastics. They had lots of success catching lots and lots of small mouth bass. Rick told all of us at the BBQ the day they had on Monday was the most magical day of bass fishing he has been a part of. I am paraphrasing as I can’t remember the actual line he used. I’ll leave it like this, they will be back to RSL next year to chase smallies again!
Pike and musky fishing when targeted have been successful. Kent and Tom were out throwing lures and Kent landed a few skis, and they weren’t fishing hard for them. Success either way.
We’re 20% through the year already, and it’s happened in a blink of an eye it feels. Our family will be up this week and many of our friends so it will be another awesome week of fishing, and telling tall tales. Mostly of which if I’m included would probably be a lie just to try and defame my character. 😊 I always look forward to this week and am always apprehensive. I don’t want our other guests to feel like we’ve abandoned them while their up here for their special weekly vacation. I guess it’s a tight line we walk to entertain family, and guests all at the same time. Thank goodness we have Harvey and Darlene as they help pick up the slack that always happens when family is in camp. Thank you Harvey and Darlene for allowing Steve and I to spend quality time with our dad, brother, son, and best/great friends!
Until we type and read next week….Tight Lines everyone from all of us up in God’s country!