Good morning RSL Family! Week 7 Wrap-Up! It was truly a fun week with another full camp of anglers! I was volunteered to enter a Cornhole/bags tournament as the P2 crew needed one more participant. Long story short. I entered the losers bracket immediately and was thoroughly wiped out of the tournament in record time, probably 30 minutes total. They had another tournament later in the week and for some reason I wasn’t needed that time! I must apologize to Dan for our hasty departure from the tournament. It was fun though and thanks for the invitation! We had a couple of interesting events that took place this week as you read through the blog.
The Original Rich Award goes out to Sharon and Dennis. This wasn’t an example of a broken rod, lost phone in the lake, or even a small grease fire. This story resided back in Beaver Dam while the two from the large P2 crew were packing for the Fastest Week of the Year! I am working on wording this in the most appropriate fashion…Let’s just say while packing one usually always begins packing with garments to be worn inside of jeans or shorts. Well… let’s just say Dennis received a new name and not by Harvey or me! It starts with a C and ends with a ommando! I’m going to presume this won’t happen again and I’m not asking who was packing the suitcases, but as Harvey always says “What happens at RSL can and will be used against you! For the record we kidded Dennis only for a short duration.
We had some beautiful Walleyes caught right out of the gate on Saturday! We had 29, 28, and 27 all caught on Day 1 and I was thinking we might get to raise the flag again this week, but alas no 30’s. P2 Brad did catch 2 29-Inch Walleyes this week! We had a ton of nice Walleyes caught photo and released though and we had changing weather patterns from hot to cool, to cold (C-2 Barb said that not me). Our youngest guest this week Maddie (spelling) had another great week. She caught over 100 walleyes, but I forgot the exact count! We were able to purchase leeches and the leech bite is on! Crawlers were working well and to a lesser extent Minnows in the morning. Fish are hanging on the humps and slip bobber fishing and dead sticking were the keys to large amounts of catches! The guys who prefer jigging had to slow it down and they were rewarded. 15 to 20 feet of water most of the time. Wind swept spots of course produced in shallower water. This week has started out the same, but I’ll keep everyone up to date if the bite goes back to normal jig style being preferred! Let’s just say don’t spend a boat load of money on tackle when you come up if you’re looking for walleyes! The simpler the presentation the better. I know very few people who don’t turn into a kid when the bobber goes under the water.
Small mouth fishing was excellent and some large footballs were boated near East Bay again with shorelines and 1st Bay producing some good quantities. P2 Brad had a Loon grab his small Small mouth Bass and after the shock wore off Brad said it released the Bass and swam under their boat.
The Bass wasn’t very large and got released only to be grabbed and eaten by the Loon again. Nature is amazing and unforgiving!
C-6 long timers PeeWee, Crobag, and newcomer Dwayne (Diesel) caught their share of Walleyes! They also were in one of their spots and were harassed for 2 days by the same Musky! That Musky went after 5 of their Walleyes in a row! The next day, it chased one of their Walleyes! I was given the spot and our Musky Hunters Adam and Moose are headed over there to see if they can catch that Musky! Thanks, Dan, for showing me where it was at! P2 Angie, had a Musky come out of the water after a fish she just pulled out. She threw the pole (in the boat luckily) and screamed. Brad said it was a big Musky! It seems we are getting a lot of big fish bites on the retrieve of a caught Walleye, Bass, or Perch this year!
Week 7 Monster/Micro Fish tournament results: Had a great day to chase trophies! Dan from C-2 Caught and released a fat 35.5-inch Northern Pike! Dennis from P2 fought a 5.5-Inch Small mouth Bass and decided not to stop there. He also caught and released a very healthy 27.5-inch Walleye! Great numbers this week and a very healthy number of nice fish caught on Sunday! Congratulations to our winners!
Hoping for some more recipes as the week progresses, but I did get one!
We have less photos this week so the ones we have will have to do. This was definitely one of the Faster Fastest Week of the Years to date! Tight Lines everyone!
Reif, you were missed in Cabin 6 this week! Can't wait til you can make it up again!
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